Friday, January 7, 2011

First Week of the New Year Results

As we wrapped up the first full week of the new year, 2011, things seem very much like 2010 but we saw some positive signs this week:

  • Job interviews increasing. Although unemployment figures for December were released by EDD on Friday and the numbers for for last month seem to be more of the same high unemployment, low-growth, we at Community Business College have seen more activity in job interviews of our graduates. More graduates reported this week that they are getting more job interviews.

  • Interest in training is up. We had a lot of interest from people looking to make 2011 a year where they put learning and education higher on the priority list. From Rosetta Stone language learning to the full vocational programs in Medical Office Specialist and HVAC , the inquiry calls increased this week over the last weeks in December.

  • More Opportunities for learning. This week there were some announcements for increased opportunities for both staff and students to learn new things. This includes the Certiport certification testing for QuickBooks and a new Get Motivated seminar coming in early Spring.

So it was a good and busy week. Hopefully this is a sign of good things to come in 2011. Happy New Year!

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Happy Valentine's Day 2019

Our students are the best! Thanks for the chocolates and thanks for sharing with the class! We really do have the Best Teachers Ever! ...