Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving! - a time to be thankful in 2017

Happy Thanksgiving from Community Business College!

Today is a day to reflect and be thankful. Here are a few thoughts to add to the list.

Things for which to be thankful on Thanksgiving Day:

The first is (and this one is forgotten) – the ability to be thankful. It takes effort to have an attitude of gratitude and Thanksgiving Day is a good time to remember to make it an everyday practice.

So many amazing things have to happen just for one day to go by on this planet, that it’s a good idea to be

More Thankful for what we have than what we don’t have. As they say, count your blessings. The Thanksgiving holiday is a good time to do that. Especially before Black Friday hits and the commercial Christmas rush kicks in full speed.

Coveting things you don’t have is, of course, to be scrupulously avoided, but what should also be avoided is wishing you could give more. We all have plenty to give but when the overwhelming products and stuff gets advertised everywhere we go, sometimes we feel wistful that we would like to give other people more stuff. The Spirit of Thanksgiving reminds us to appreciate the gifts we are able to give and that it is truly the thought behind a gift rather than its price tag or size.

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Happy Valentine's Day 2019

Our students are the best! Thanks for the chocolates and thanks for sharing with the class! We really do have the Best Teachers Ever!